Sunday 20 August 2017


How negative I am! Seeing the worst in everything. Imagining the worst in situations. Letting negativity gnaw at me from inside, day in and day out. And with such intensity that it seems I am dissolved in my own negativity.

Right now, this moment, I feel so terribly aware of the negativity. And this awareness reduces it somehow. May be I am not the victim. I am just a traveler through it all. It is a comforting thought.

However much I want and try, I can't control what someone else wants. I can't control what someone else thinks. Just like someone else can't control what I think and want. Where is the unfairness in that? Why do I get so negative?

This awareness is a lesson. May be, the first step in not being negative. Come on, you win some, you lose some. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. Nothing is about one thing or one person only. You may lose a thing, you may lose a person. But there was so much gained on the way, in your pursuit. Everything you were enriched with, it is all a part of you.

Negativity is pointless. Really.