Sunday 1 January 2017

A year

It has been a year without me blogging. I had so many resolutions at the start of 2016. Imagine creating a new email id and blog for the start of a new year. The good God forgive me, I did not persist with any of the resolutions I made! Huh. So much for new year resolutions. The wiser me has decided not to make any resolutions this year. Let me just observe myself.

It is quite astonishing, even scary, how life has gone by. I can safely say that around half of my life is over.  What will the remaining half be like, I wonder? Hopefully the years have made me a wiser and better person. May be this year I will read more and better books than I did last year? May be I will learn many new things and sharpen my skills. Making new year resolutions is tempting. After every sentence I think of, a new resolution takes shape in my mind. Well let us see. How many Saturdays and Sundays I blog.